In this article you find general information about feedback and reviews and learn how to read the Review's overview page. We explain you how you check the feedback statuses.
Concept of feedback and review
A Performance review is the overall evaluation you as a manager or admin set up to assess employees', managers', or/and peers' performances. A review must consist of at least one and can consist of up until four different review types. Review types are: 1 Self-Assesment, 2 Managers review,
3 Direct Reports and 4 Peer-Review.
A feedback on the other hand is the actual task that needs to be undertaken within a Performance review. For every review type a written feedback needs to be provided by answering the questions.
This is Cleo, she is a manager of your company. She is part of a Performance review and is asked to provide feedback in form of a manager review and feedback for a direct report. |
Review's Overview page
Under Performance Reviews > Reviews you find an overview of all ongoing Performance Reviews in your company or in your team.
1. The icons indicate the review types that are chosen for this particular review. In our example review Logistics Team 2024, the review consists of a self-assessment and a managers report. See the graphic above for an overview of all icons.
2. The two grey, orange and green colored fields indicate the process stage of a review.
Note: They do not refer to the number of feedbacks that have been provided, but focusses on the timeline set in the review settings.
The review was saved at a certain stage and needs to further be filled in order to launch | |
The review start date is in the future | |
The review period has started | |
The review period is over. The review end date was reached. |
3. The tachometer refers to the number of feedbacks that already have been sent. For example in one performance review 4 feedbacks in total are needed and two have been given the tachometer would show 50% with the semicircle being partly green and partly grey.
Note: When no semicircle/tachometer shows up like in our example Logistics Team 2024, this means you saved a review draft without having added participants yet. As soon as you continue to edit this review the tachometer will appear.
Check status of feedback
There are three feedback status possible:
1. Feedback writing has not been started by the reviewer
2. The reviewer started with the feedback, but has not completed it yet
3. Feedback is completed
Note: Dependant upon your selected option in the timeline settings of the review, feedback will be displayed after all the review's end date was reached or immediately after the feedback was finished.
To check the status of feedback here are two different approaches.
1.) Check feedback status by review type or reviewee
- Go to Performance Reviews > Reviews
- Click on a Review title
You will now see one semicircle for each review type that has been chosen for this review.
Please be aware that in draft mode, so when you didn't not launch a performance review yet, the 1. overview page will not be visible.
To check the feedback status by review type you take a look at the semicircles.
In our example Quarterly Product Review you can see one semicircle for the managers' review and one for the direct report.
The green part of a semicircle indicates how many of the needed feedbacks have been sent.
2. Click on the green quarter to see who has sent a needed feedback.
3. Click on the grey quarter to see who has not send a needed feedback yet.
Be aware that one manager might have sent their feedback for one employee but hasn't for another, which is why their name appears for finished and also for unfinished feedback.
When you're not able to click on READ, this means you decided for this review that feedback can only be read after the review's end date.
To check a feedback status by reviewees you click on the VIEW STATUS button.
Read feedback status by employee's archive
- Go to the employee's profile via People Directory
- Click Performance in the horizontal menu
- Click Archive
- Find the Performance Review's name
Find out how to edit a review here.
Remind reviewers to fill out and send their feedback.
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